Monday, 13 October 2008

Les devoirs pour Year 7 - ILA 3 & 4

Voici les devoirs.... ILA 3&4. You will find that some of the games and links on here help you with the homework!

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Comments please...

I know from chattting to some of you in class how many people have been using the blog to help their learning and to have a bit of fun.

You might not have noticed that there is a comments function on the blog.... it would be really great if you felt that you wanted to leave a comment; tell me what you like, what you don't like and what you would like to see on the blog. If you have found a great French website, or some new games, let me know! Leave a comment and other people can use them too!

Just remember that when you leave a comment, to be safe, please only leave first names or nicknames, not surnames.

Want a fun way to check what vocabulary you know?

Have a look at

These are great little games and match up tasks that check how well you have remembered what we have done in class. They will help you to brush up on what we have already learnt, and you might even find some new words!

Les jeux magnifiques!

Voici quelques jeux pour vous..... Games to play This will take you to another web page, run by a group of language teachers.

The games cover the following areas (and more!): weather, routine, number, pets, colours, countries, days, months, family, school, sport, transport, house, personal description, shopping, housework and general knowledge.

Enjoy playing them - be sure to let me know which your favourite games are!